Welcome to Reulog

Excellent services...cutting edge technology

About Reulog
We are a business-focused, process-centered organization that is fully invested in contributing to the development of local capabilities in West-Africa by developing and delivering innovative solutions to our customers, consistently outperforming our peers, producing predictable earnings for our shareholders, and providing a dynamic and challenging environment for our employees.
Nigerian Content
It is our intention to promote the Nigeria Content initiative of the Federal Government of Nigeria in optimizing the use of local resources and materials in the execution of our projects. We understand the need for sustainable development, and we are committed to the concept and the use of local resources. Continue to employ and train Nigerian citizens in all the disciplines that support the execution of our projects because we are convinced that the mix of our personnel and those of our partners working together would produce a remarkable transfer of technology over the next few years as our personnel acquire the experience and skill to perform the work.